Kenya hosted LGBT funding meeting

Njeri Gateru, NGLHRC's well-paid leader

Njeri Gateru, NGLHRC’s well-paid leader

In June 2019 Kenya hosted a meeting bringing together international donors of the continent’s antichristian lobby groups and the LGBT and Prostitution NGOs they fund. This is despite sodomy being illegal in the east African nation.

Kenya has pro-sodomy NGOs

In such a socially conservative country it comes as something of a surprise to find specific pro-sodomy lobby groups. Kenya actually has a handful, of which the wealthiest is the National Gay and Lesbian Human Rights Commission.

In December 2012 NGLHRC held a ‘Gay and Lesbian Awards’ in Nairobi’s City Hall. It is not illegal in Kenya to identify oneself as homosexual. But why did City Hall allow that?

In March 2019 the Court of Appeal in Nairobi upheld a 2015 High Court decision compelling the Non-Governmental Organizations Coordination Board to officially register the National Gay and Lesbian Human Rights Commission (NGLHRC) as an NGO.

NGLHRC depends on foreign money, lots of it, to pay its staff and officers. While Kenyans might accept NGLHRC having freedom of association as an NGO, the source of its funding needs to be addressed.

Western money

Sigrid Rausing

Sigrid Rausing

In common with other antichristian NGOs across Africa, the NGLHRC depends on international money. It raises hardly any shillings from Kenyans. It is funded by Western foundations such as the UK’s Sigrid Rausing Trust.

The Trust’s website confirms: ‘SRT has supported NGLHRC since 2017. Total funds received to date: £110,000 . Current grant: £180,000 over 3 years. Grant start: 1st August 2018.’ The average salary in Nairobi is currently around £6,500 per annum.

Furthermore, it claims support from ‘partners’ such as the International Bar Association, Stonewall UK, Amnesty International and the US Department of State.

The NGLHRC 2016 accounts also revealed substantial funding from all these other overseas donors:
• Astraea Lesbian Foundation for Justice
• COC Netherlands
• Diakonia (Faith-based Swedish grant distributor)
• East African Sexual Health and Right Initiative (UHAI-EASHRI)
• Heinrich Böll Stiftung Foundation (HBF)
• HIVOS (Netherlands)
• Open Society Foundations (George Soros)
• PITCH Project (Partnership to inspire, transform and connect HIV response)
• The European Union
• Tides Foundation (San Francisco, US)
• United Nations Office for Project Services (UNOPS)
• The Canadian High Commission in Nairobi

Ford Foundation and KHRC

NGLHRC is not the only Kenyan NGO advocating for gay rights to have received overseas funding. The not-to-be-confused-with Kenya Human Rights Commission has also been in the money. Nairobi-based KHRC was founded in 1992 and began by advocating for genuine human rights.

George Kigoro

George Kigoro

In 2011 it moved into pro-sodomy lobbying and the cash started pouring in. The US-based Ford Foundation gave the Kenya Human Rights Commission a cool $1m in 2012. In 2015-2016, Ford Foundation gave KHRC another $1.5m. In 2016, Open Society Foundations gave KHRC £160,000.

The Swedish International Development Agency, Christian Aid, Trocaire, Danish International Development Agency, United Nations Development Programme, UNIFEM and Canadian International Development Agency have also given the KHRC substantial funds.

Headed by the ebullient George Kegoro, KHRC has a current staff of fifteen. Its website says: ‘KHRC will continue to engage in national and regional advocacy on the protection and realization of the rights of LGBTI persons.’0

Proxy war

There is a proxy spiritual war going on here in which Christians are not even engaging. So the antichrist side is currently winning.

The overseas money has enabled NGLHRC to employ six full-time staff as at 2016. They include: ‘three lawyers: Mr Eric Gitari (Executive Director), Ms. Njeri Gateru (Head of Legal Affairs), and Ms. Imani Kimiri (Security Officer).’ NGLHRC specifically names the Heinrich Böll Stiftung Foundation as enabling them to hire ‘an Accounting Officer, Ms. Annet Njoki, Ms. Cori Arudi … Office Administrator and … a Media and Communications Consultant, Ms. Kari Mugo.’ The cash also allows the publication of a professional website, glossy reports and extensive lobbying efforts.

In a nation which outlaws homosexual practice, ‘in 2016, we had two student volunteers interning with us from the University of Nairobi Law School; Faith Gaitho and Chan Mubanga.’

The ‘Commission’ website even openly names its ‘seven-person Advisory Board that meets quarterly’ as Mr. George Gachara, Mr. David Kuria, Ms. Muthoni Njogu, Ms. Beryl Ogutu, Mr. John Mathenge, Ms. Louiza Kabiru and Mr. Binyavanga Wainaina.

June funding conference

A publicity still from the Baring Foundation website

A publicity still from the Baring Foundation website

Undaunted, in June 2019, donors and immorality NGOs came together in a major bi-annual conference held in a secret location in Nairobi. The ‘Africa Donors Meeting’ brought grantmakers together from Monday, 17th June to Tuesday 18th. Then from Wednesday, 19th to Friday 21st June, the ‘Changing Faces Changing Spaces Conference’ was billed as ‘Africa’s largest convening of the continent’s LGBTI and sex worker movements and donors.’

This was the seventh such conference. We read on the Global Philanthropy Project (GPP) website: ‘The CFCS VI Africa Donors Meeting in 2017 brought together 75 grantmakers from 35 organizations, representing a diversity of public and private foundations, individual and corporate funders, and government agencies, embassies, bilateral and multilateral agencies.’

Its report says it enabled ‘African activists to strategise, network, plan and reflect on achievements and challenges pertinent to our movements’. 200 participants came including 35 donor agencies. This is big business for the African immorality movement.

The 2019 conference, costing participants between US$440 – US$2,500 was private and even secretive. Its Eventbrite page answered a FAQ on sharing about it on social media like this: ‘No! Please note that this is a non-public meeting, intended to be shared only with those who are participating in person. We request that participants respect this guidance by refraining from sharing photos, location check-ins, or other updates on social media.’

No Indigenous Funding

UHAI-EASHRI is funded by the West

UHAI-EASHRI is funded by the West

GPP was itself founded in only 2009, as was its member fund UHAI EASHRI. Uhai is kiswahili for ‘life’ while EASHRI stands for ‘East African Sexual Health and Rights Initiative’. Its website claims that ‘UHAI is Africa’s first indigenous activist fund for sex workers and sexual and gender minorities.’ It distributes money across groups in Burundi, Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), Ethiopia, Kenya, Rwanda, Tanzania and Uganda.

But its claim to be an ‘indigenous activist fund’ is, as you may have guessed, economical with the truth. UHAI is funded solely by the West. For example, on 9th February 2018 the Baring Foundation gave UHAI EASHRI 4 grants totalling £760,000. It went to: ‘Supporting civil society organisations working with and for lesbian, bisexual and queer (LBQ) women and trans and gender diverse communities in East Africa.’

Sigrid Rausing Trust ‘has supported UHAI since 2013. Total funds received to date: £670,000. Current grant: £390,000 over 3 years; Grant start: 1st June 2017.’ They too confirmed ‘UHAI provides grants and capacity support to lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and intersex (LGBTI) and sex worker organisations in Burundi, Kenya, Rwanda, Tanzania and Uganda.’


One website says UHAI EASHRI operates out of offices at: 3rd Floor, Suite 5, Rosami Court, Muringa Rd., Kilimani P.O. BOX 7144-00300, Nairobi.

KHRC is at Gitanga Road opp. Valley Arcade Shopping Center, P.O Box 41079-00100, Nairobi, Kenya

NGLHRC is at: Mpulla House, # 4 Arboretum Drive, (off State House Road), Nairobi, Kenya P.O BOX 52695- 00100, Nairobi, Kenya

These are spiritual strongholds of Satan. We need to pray against them.


READ: Eccl 10:19; Job 4:8; Psa 2:1-12, 5:4,9, 7:9, 52:7, 94:23; Prov 1:16, 4:17, 10:2, 16:2; Isa 59:7; Jer 1:16; Mic 3:11; Mal 3:15-18; Matt 16:18; Mark 7:21-23; Acts 1:8; Rom 1:26-32; Eph 6:12; 2Tim 1:7; 1John 5:19; Rev 2:26, 4:11, 20:6.

PRAY: For the Lord to reveal where the funding conference took place and what was on the agenda. Pray for Kenyan MPs and Senators to pass a law to prohibit money from overseas donors funding organisations promoting illegal and/or immoral practices in Kenya. Pray for the Kenyan Parliament also to pass a law to prevent persons from publishing propaganda for illegal and immoral practices.

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