Acronyms Attack Africa

UNAIDS Executive Director Winnie Byanyima at the Africa launch of Education Plus Initiative 17th July 2022.

Sexual rights activists in the United Nations and NGO’s are using UN departments and international treaties to corrupt youth in the developing world. Here we unpack the ‘Acronyms attacking Africa’. They are coming also for Asia and the Caribbean.
SRHR (or SRH&R) – Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights
This acronym is activist code for full legal access to abortion and legalising sodomy and prostitution.

UNAIDS – United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS

UNAIDS says it was created ‘to provide strategic direction, advocacy, coordination, and technical assistance required to catalyse and connect leadership’. They include governments, private sectors, and communities ‘to deliver life-saving HIV services’. However, the content of these plans is completely at odds with African culture and values.
The non-governmental organisation also aims to lead and inspire the world in achieving its claimed vision of zero HIV infections, discrimination, and zero AIDS-related deaths.
Eleven UN organisations and global partners collaborate with UNAIDS ‘uniting efforts to end the AIDS epidemic by 2030 as part of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG)’. The European Commission and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation are major sponsors of UNAIDS.
The eleven include these acronyms:
UNFPA – United Nations Fund for Population Activities, UNESCO – United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation,
UNHCR – United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, UNICEF – United Nations Children’s Fund, UNWFP – United Nations World Food Programme, UNDP – United Nations Development Programme, UNODC – United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime, ILO – International Labour Organisation,
UN Women, WHO, and the World Bank.
All combine seemingly altruistic aims with subversion of youth in target countries.

UNFPA – United Nations Fund for Population Activities

For example, the United Nations Population Fund claims to ‘protect and empower young people to advocate for their health, well-being, and dignity.’ It advances ‘full bodily autonomy’ and SRHR. UNFPA is currently sponsored by USAID, the United States Agency for International Development.
UNFPA was formed in 1967 to monitor and stop population growth in the developing world. It leads on enforcing comprehensive sexuality education in African countries. The children organisation tries to work with governments to implement this initiative, but will bypass them into local communities.
Christian Voice led a prayer and leafleting campaign outside the UNFPA Summit in Nairobi in November 2019.

CSE – Comprehensive Sexuality Education

Comprehensive sexuality education is promoted by UNFPA as an imagined legally required international right. CSE is just as bad as the UK’s Relationships and Sexuality Education, using inappropriate materials and shutting out parents.
The UNFPA goal is ‘to equip children and young people with the knowledge they need to understand sexual and reproductive health, well-being, and rights.’ They claim the initiative will ‘help young people develop healthy interpersonal relationships, reflect on the impact of their choices, and protect their rights throughout their lives.’ We have heard it all before.
CSE may be disguised as human sexuality education, SRH information, family life education, teen pregnancy prevention, rape prevention, HIV/AIDS prevention, anti-bullying programmes, and occasionally abstinence-educational abstinence.

Ghana Rejects CSE

In October 2019, a local paper reported that there were heated debates over the implementation of comprehensive sexuality education for basic schools. Civil society groups, religious bodies, the Minorities in Parliament, and Ghana citizens raised serious concerns about the plans to introduce CSE and asked for it to be completely scrapped from its education system. Even the National Islamic leader, Sheik Dr. Osmanu Sharubutu, described the move as ‘satanic’. Adding that Islamic teachings do not allow sexual education for children under the age of 10.
Shiek Sharubutu said, ‘We would like to state unequivocally that the Islamic Community does not accept any form of educating pupils or minors on sex education. In our estimation, such an attempt is to hide under educational reform to brainwash the pupils with LGBTQ agender. Ideally, Islamic jurisprudence recommends that sexual education be introduced to children above 10. This is the time they are able to understand the social consequences of the choice of sexual orientation.’ He, therefore, urged the sector Ministry and Ghana Education Service(GES) board to consult with relevant stakeholders on controversial policies.Meanwhile, the Concerned Teachers Association has said they are unaware of the curriculum as against claims by the GES.

ICPD – International Conference on Population and Development

Held by UNFPA in Cairo in 1994. Since then, implementation of CSE programmes in Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) has increased.
In 2013, a local paper reported 20 countries had signed the Ministerial Commitment on Comprehensive Sexuality Education. They also signed Sexual and Reproductive Health Services for Adolescents & Young People in Eastern and Southern Africa to facilitate CSE adaptation and implementation.

WSWM – The World Starts with Me

Developed in Uganda in 2003 by the Dutch humanist NGO Rutgers in collaboration with Butterfly Works, SchoolNet Uganda, and ‘teachers and students of pilot schools’. This online sex education programme targets Ugandan children between 12-19 years with the worst of inappropriate UK-style material promoting masturbation, loss of innocence and promiscuity. Our research shows that ‘The World Starts with Me’ is also present in Kenya, Burundi, Ethiopia, and Ghana.
Read more here.

WHO – The World Health Organisation

The World Health Organisation launched the Sexual and Reproductive Health and Research (SRH) programme in 2000. They say it will ensure everyone has ‘the best sexual and reproductive health possible’. It includes abortion and access to sexual treatments for people who ‘cannot afford them’.
The WHO recently issued new abortion guidelines. It includes ‘safe abortion’, ‘health worker roles in providing safe abortion care/post-abortion care’, and ‘abortion medical management’. The UN Refugee Agency also participates in this programme with the same mission.

UNICEF – United Nations Children’s Fund

According to UNICEF itself, the organisation’s goal is ‘to provide more children than any other humanitarian organisation with clean water, life-saving food, vaccines, education, and protection from violence.’ These programmes have progressed beyond the aforementioned with the inclusion of CSE-style sexuality education.
UNICEF’s international guidelines for sexuality education include teaching children aged 9 to 12 about sexual stimulation and the definition/function of orgasm. It also teaches that by age 15, they can give and receive sexual pleasure from same-sex or opposite sex.
This organisation also carries an SRHR manual on its website.

Legal Threat to Africa

In recent years, world leaders and organisations have launched initiatives and programmes ostensibly to aid Africa’s development. Support and funding going into Africa through these programmes in areas such as education, poverty eradication, access to healthcare and clean water, industrialisation and economic development are welcome. These initiatives, however, pose legal risks to Africans, children, and the future.

EU/ACP – The European Union-African, Caribbean, Pacific Treaty

The EU/ACP treaty, also known as the Cotonou partnership agreement, is the legislative framework that governs relations between the European Union and seventy-nine (79) African, Caribbean, and Pacific countries.
It is one of the oldest and most extensive frameworks for EU-third-country cooperation. The agreement was meant to expire in 2020 but was extended by twenty years with a renegotiation on 15th April 2021. It works with more than one hundred countries and represents over 1.5 billion people spread over four continents according to the agreement text agreed by the EU and OACPS chief negotiators.
Negotiations on the Economic Partnership treaty between ACP countries and the EU have lately stalled due to its impact on the ACP nations. An executive summary by the European Commission itself reveals that the treaty, promoted as an economic trade agreement, has deceptive provisions to advance abortion, Comprehensive Sexuality Education, and same-sex relationship agendas in the African, Caribbean, and Pacific countries. African leaders who are yet to sign the treaty must maintain their position.

EPI – Education Plus Initiative

African leaders launched the Education Plus Initiative to benefit only girls’ education and empowerment in Africa. But behind it was UNAIDS, so CSE became part of it.
Aside from securing the future of African girls, the initiative plans to introduce:
(1) universal access to comprehensive sexuality education for children,
(2) fulfillment of sexual and reproductive health and rights,
(3) freedom from gender-based and sexual violence,
(4) school-to-work transitions, and economic security and empowerment. EPI gives a clear pass to penetrate the heart of African children to legalise and destigmatise abortion and normalise homosexuality.
First Lady of Zambia, H.E Mutinta Hichilema, said at the launch of EPI , ‘I am confident that Education Plus will enable us all to protect, provide and preserve the lives of adolescent girls and young women by enhancing education standards and preventing new HIV infections by use of various interventions.’ The details of the initiative’s brief do not agree with Her Excellency’s comment.

AUPSPSS – African Union Protocol on Social Protection and Social Security

AUPSPSS is the state party to the African charter on human and people’s rights. It was passed by African Heads of State and Government in February 2022. The scheme provides for the right to social protection that is available, accessible, adequate, affordable, and transparent. Parts of the fifith draft pose a significant threat to African children and young people. For example, Article 11 of the AUPSPSS on Children, adolescents, and youth makes provision for comprehensive SRHR information and services.
In the same vein, Article 18 of the Education draft provides ‘age-appropriate’ and culturally sensitive comprehensive education on sexual and reproductive health and rights for children, adolescents, and youths.
Article 28 states that the AU will fully monitor the implementation of these protocols once signed by member states.
Read the full protocol here.

ESAMC – Eastern Southern African Ministerial Commitment

This was put in place by UNESCO ‘to provide education, access to adequate health and well-being for adolescents and young people’.
According to the ‘ESAMC team’, the ‘‘committee has brought together both the education and health sector, policymakers, and young people to collaborate and strengthen sexual and reproductive health and rights.’ The endorsed commitment has an accountability clause that binds countries to deliver on targets set for both 2015 and 2020.
A look at the table of contents of the commitment reveals gender rights, sex education, sexual and reproductive health services are its main focus.

Be Vigilant

African leaders and families must begin to see with an eagle’s eye and recognise the grave harm that these programmes, smuggled into their country as Sustainable Development Goals, will do to young people, their future, and Africa’s future.
Some African countries have been brainwashed or browbeaten into signing agreements in the hopes of continuing to receive foreign aid. Others, on the other hand, have refused. We applaud countries that have rejected these lethal initiatives and urge others to reconsider their positions.
As a family, community, and church, it has become critical to develop a mitigation strategy that includes being involved in your children’s education, constantly reminding them of the Lord’s way.
Parents who spend time ‘radicalising’ their children, teaching them the laws of God from the word of God will empower them to resist evil:
Read and Pray
Matt 18:6; Deut 6:7; Eph 6:4; Heb 4:12
Thank God for everyone speaking up against these acronyms and pray for African leaders.
Pray for the minds of children who have already been taught this evil to be transformed by Gospel power.
Pray that the plans to legalise sodomy and abortion in Africa, Asia and the Caribbean will fail.
Pray that African leaders will clearly understand the dangers of AUPSPSS.
Pray for leaders with wisdom and understanding to do the will of God in your nation and every nation for which you have a burden in your heart.

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