Nairobi-based Kenya Human Rights Commission (KHRC) was founded in 1992 and began by advocating for genuine human rights.
Pro-sodomy brings in money
To be fair, KHRC still does that. But in 2011 it moved into pro-sodomy lobbying and that’s when the cash started pouring in. The US-based Ford Foundation had supported KHRC in 2008, but it gave the KHRC $300k in 2011 and a cool $1.3m in 2012. In 2015-2016, Ford Foundation gave KHRC another $1.5m. In 2016, Open Society Foundations gave KHRC £160,000. KHRC publishes an annual report but does not publish any form of financial accounts. We reported in 2019 on all this HERE.
The Swedish International Development Agency, Christian Aid, Trocaire, Danish International Development Agency, United Nations Development Programme, UNIFEM and Canadian International Development Agency have also given the KHRC substantial funds. Below we list its current funders.
KHRC was headed by the ebullient George Kegoro until 2020. In 2020, Open Society claimed Mr Kegoro moved to join its ‘Initiative for East Africa’, but as the OSIEA website is infected with malware, we cannot verify that. However, the KHRC website says its Executive Director is now David Malombe, heading up a team of twelve well-paid individuals.
Its website says: ‘KHRC will continue to engage in national and regional advocacy on the protection and realization of the rights of LGBTI persons.’
Political Pluralism and Diversity
KHRC, as it says on its website, is working to change the law on unnatural offences.
Under Political Pluralism and Diversity it says: ‘Further there continues to be a domino effect on the Continent with regards to enactment of punitive legislation criminalizing same sex conduct which further marginalizes LGBTI persons and grossly disadvantages them in African countries. Advocacy to counter prohibitive legislation as well as adoption of inclusive legislation will be a core area of focus for the programme in 2016-2018. KHRC will work closely with HURINETs, GALCK and NGLHRC as well as with other organizations at the regional and international levels in the advancement of this agenda.’
Overseas Partners
These are the foreign nations and foundations listed as ‘partners’ by the KHRC, either on its ‘partners’ webpage or in its 2019/2020 accounts. They are the funders. Any who have given to LGBT projects or ‘core funding’ rather than other specific projects are interfering in the internal affairs of Kenya. They are not doing ‘philanthropy’, they are engaging in cultural imperialism:
CIPESA (Collaboration on International Information and Communications Technology Policy for East and Southern Africa – itself funded by ‘the Usual Suspects’)
Danish Embassy in Nairobi
Danish Foreign Ministry
Diakonia (Stockholm, Sweden. Office in Ngong Road, Nairobi, Kenya)
The European Union (listed in KHRC 2019-20 accounts)
Ford Foundation (New York, US): Since 2011 Ford Fdn has given KHRC over $7 million.
Hivos (Netherlands)
International Federation for Human Rights (FIDH: Paris, France)
International Network for Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (ESCR-Net: New York, US)
Landesa Rural Development Institute (Seattle and Washington, D.C., US)
Norwegian Embassy, Nairobi
Norwegian Government
Open Society Foundations (Washington DC, USA – founded by billionaire financier George Soros.) Gave KHRC $830,000 in 2021.
Sigrid Rausing Trust (London, UK – giving NGLHRC £135,000/year for three years. Over Ksh20m/yr!)
See also our page on Sigrid Rausing →
Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (SIDA)
Swedish Embassy in Nairobi
Swedish Government
Swiss Embassy in Nairobi
Trócaire (the official overseas development agency of the Catholic Church in Ireland)
UHAI-EASHRI (Nairobi, itself totally reliant on foreign money)
UNHRC (New York, US)
Wellspring Philanthropic Fund (New York, USA. Said to be ‘part of an elaborate and secretive network of grantmaking organizations funded by three hedge fund billionaires: Andrew Shechtel, David Gelbaum and C. Frederick Taylor.’)
Transparency Act needed!
Clearly, Kenya needs a Transparency Act to require NGOs like the KHRC to declare all their sources and amounts of foreign funding. To their credit, Ford Foundation, Open Society and Sigrid Rausing Trust are transparent and list their donations. But the overwhelming majority including the foreign governments and agencies do not. Furthermore, KHRC fails to be honest by listing its donations in published accounts.
Clearly the Kenya Human Rights Commission is awash with foreign money. Transparency will ensure we are able to see just how much money such NGOs are receiving from overseas and what their officers are paid. We shall be able to see which foreign foundations and nations are spending how much trying to corrupt Kenyan society and Kenyan youth.
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